Aina Soler
Dance is the music of the eyes
The ephemeral art of a dance can come to us in many ways. It can touch our hearts, it can spread our wings, it can wake us from a dream, or it can even evoke a dream. The possibilities of dance as an art are so infinite and unique, as are the eyes of the being that receives and perceives that dance, and the creative imagination of whoever creates it.
In the artistic projects that we propose around dance, you will find from encounters in which to enjoy a choreography or live improvisation; to the possibility of attending events in which both music and dance are happening live; as well as the opportunity to enjoy less ephemeral records, such as audiovisual resources.
In this last field, we invite you to enjoy videos in which dance and music unite the art of the image and the seventh art, the cinema; as well as an artistic interaction, with the co-creation tools offered today by platforms such as social networks. "Ainoa Soler"
Director/Editor/Colour: Alan Combellack
DP: Alan Combellack
Audio mix: Guillem Bardavio
Setup: BMPCC4K
Lens: 25mm
Natural Light

Alan Combellack
Alan Combellack
Aina Soler
Alan Combellack
Alan Combellack
Banda Sonora: